Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How TV is changing

How we absorb and assimilate information is rapidly changing every day. PLUGmedia recently redeveloped one of our clients website, Mactivate, that sells and repairs Apple hardware, in Dublin. As we worked together in developing the new website I was privy to the wonderful range of Mac products that are now available. One day, Alan demonstrated the AppleTV to me. I was immediately hooked and picked up one later that week.

Six months later, what can I say. Has it changed my life? Yes, it most definitely has. For someone that loves technology and is always looking at the latest gadgets, plug-ins and apps. AppleTV is really changing the way we access information. I remember a company I used to work for, introduced the first Internet TV box to Ireland, Unison, at the end of the last millennium. 12 years later I believe they finally are getting it right.

How do I use my AppleTV?
I estimate that I began using it every week. More recently, with the introduction of Netflix in Ireland, this has ramped up to everyday. It started with me accessing the free services provided, such as YouTube and the files on the computers in my house using HomeShare. Playing music from my different computers. Showing image and video files from my iPhone.

Next step was to insert my credit card details and download some movies. Once your details are logged in, it is too easy. From standard to HD you can access and array of the latest movies that you find on the shelves of your local video store, the ones that are left. After, upgrading my Internet connection to UPC, the download was faultless. Not once did I notice a waiting for download or connection error.

Shortly afterwards we had the addition of thousands of Internet radio stations. This was on every night we were having a couple of drinks and before going out to get the heart racing. Then came Vimeo and some other News and sport related video sites. As of a week ago I noticed an ad online stating Netflix in Ireland. Since signing up for the €6.99 a month option. The AppleTV has been on every single day. Watching the two Series of Misfits in 2 days. Fantastic TV show. Numerous movies and dipping in and out of other TV series that I never had the time to watch before.

Warning for your AppleTV
It is so easy to get lost into this new, just click world of information. Perhaps, like most people, its the honeymoon stage of the relationship and the familiarity breeds contempt factor, will take its hold. The one thing that has become apparent since Netflix arrived, is my ISP has suddenly started limiting my bandwidth/data usage from what I can tell. Now, I have started getting Connection Errors and spinning waiting icons. You will probably need the top end data usage and download limit option.

Another point, is that currently there is no Apple embeded browser at the point of writing this articles. The are a host of other features that the AppleTV can provide, that you can read here. I did come across some article about how you can Jailbreak your Apple TV to get past some of the limitations, by a company called Firecore. And I also tried an application on my iPhone and PC called AirVideo that converts files on the fly, as the streamed from one video format to the other from your PC to your AppleTV.

Perhaps, you have some suggestions of how else you can use your AppleTV. If you buy your AppleTV from Mactivate remember to tell them Sam sent you :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Relocating into the cloud

Last year I consider how can I best use the cloud to serve my purpose. For the second time I upgraded my Google Account to the 20GB option, for a mere €4.32 for the year. To be honest I didn't fully take advantage the first year I upgraded. So, with my new 25GB showing everytime I use a Google product and the numerous computers I use to access my services I thought there is another solution to what I do.

I have being using the free Dropbox service for quite some time, although, nevertheless not perhaps to its full capacity. Three days ago I typed in to Google, 'how to centralise all my files online'. I had it in my mind that if I had the majority of my working files on the cloud, therefore there is no need to worry about which computer I am using. How can I use Google Docs to be that Cloud service! I was looking for a solution that can allow me to use my Google Docs account like a drive, similar to Dropbox, on all my different computers. They coined the term many years ago Gdrive. So, with this is mind, I found my solution.

As, of an hour ago, installed on 2 computers, Syncdocs, allows this very option. After it installs, and you login, Syncdocs, creates a mirror of your Google Docs accounts Folders and Files, by default, in your My Documents folder, as seen here. The synchronisations happens in the background while you can work away. The next step is for me to centralise as much of my files as possible in my Google Docs folders. Deleting old ones from the online service, and moving as much of my working files offline online. I will keep larger files on my web hosting account.

So, my brave move to relocate and embrace the cloud with all my might in 2012. I will keep you informed of how Syncdocs works out over the coming weeks. If, you have a cloud service that you feel I can benefit from, please leave a comment below.