Monday, March 4, 2013

What will the new Facebook Newsfeed look like?

So, good old Facebook is at it again. Keeping the digital marketing and social media gurus on a continuous learning curve. What can we expect from the meeting in Menlo Park, California on March 7th?

As mobile has become such an important model I imagine we will see a more generic timeline that works across the varying platforms. 6 out of every 10 people visting Facebook daily are doing it through their mobile phone. Additionally, it is expected that we might see Video Ads (up to 15 secs) coming to the newsfeed. Another big change, haven't had the pleasure of testing it myself, is the Graph Search feature that they have rolled out to many users. So, I imagine they will want this more clearly integrated into the new Facebook newsfeed.

Another thing I noticed recently scanning through my own Newsfeed is the enormous quantity of photos that overwhelm your feed. I can see some form of collation of images to make them more easily consumable. Nevertheless, based on a lot of changes by Facebook over the past 24 months I can see advertising taking the centre frame and perhaps some new method for advertisers to pay to get their content seen.

Facebook Test Timeline design: courtesy of ReadWrite founder Richard MacManus, who resides in New Zealand

So, what do you think might be in the new redesign. Or what might you like to see? Tell us your thoughts.

Did you see this beautiful Facebook concept by designer from Fred Nerby in Australia

For the reading the latest thoughts of sam @ plugMEDIA  on new technologies and the ever changing landscape of social media, please join us on our Facebook page.

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